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[event_main_slider slug_group=”slide-1″ order_by=”name” order=”ASC” auto_slider=”false” height_desk=”640px”]
[event_address fonts_icon=”fa-ticket” title=”200 Projects” description=”We are expecting more than 200 projects” show_border_right=”1″ animation_delay=”100″ title_color=”#ffffff” border_color=”#fff0a5″]
[event_address fonts_icon=”fa-calendar-times-o” title=”Start Date” description=”01 – 11 – 2021″ show_border_right=”1″ animation_delay=”200″ title_color=”#ffffff” border_color=”#fff0a5″]
[event_address fonts_icon=”fa-location-arrow” title=”Location” description=”Digital Platform” show_border_right=”1″ title_color=”#ffffff” border_color=”#fff0a5″]
[event_address fonts_icon=”fa-user” title=”Awards” description=”3 Diamonds” animation_delay=”400″ title_color=”#ffffff” border_color=”#fff0a5″]
[event_heading title=”ABOUT MIIX22″ subtitle=”Becoming an Innovative Society” animation_delay=”100″ delay=”300″]

Brain Activity

Express your ideas into reality

Encourage Creativity

Do things differently.

Practice Social Skills

Express yourself through innovative activities

[event_heading title=”MIIX22 | How to Participate?” style=”style2″ animation_delay=”100″]
[event_heading title=”MIIX22 | GuideBook” style=”style2″ animation_delay=”100″]

We LOVE passionate and creative individual

Reserve your seat NOW. You have the right to be the TOP INNOVATOR

[event_button name=”MIIX22 | REGISTER NOW” link=”https://registro.rrtex.my/” border_radius=”5px” border_color=”#ffffff” animation=”” animation_delay=”” bg=”#ffb03b” text_color=”#ffffff”]
[event_heading title=”MIX22 | Payment Details” style=”style2″ animation_delay=”100″]

Payment can be made directly using Registro once you have added a new project. However, if participant prefer to perform an offline payment, you may use the following details and email the scanned receipt to [email protected].

Offline payment should be made to:


Account Number : 564548159338
Swift Code: MBBEMYKL
Reference : MIIX22 <REGISTRATION ID>  eg: MIIX21 SI77


Proof of Payment (Offline Payment)

Please email the scanned payment receipt to [email protected]. Our secretariat will update the status manually. On updated, you may continue to upload the video details (Status will be updated in 7 working days). To speed up processing we urge participant to use the automatic payment option available in Registro Portal.

Refund of Fee

No refund will be processed once payment has been made. Failure to submit the video within the time frame will void your application.

[event_heading title=”ORGANIZERS” style=”style2″ class=”white_text text-left” animation_delay=”100″ delay=”300″][event_sponsor count=”5″ animation_delay=”100″ class=”sponsor_bg”][event_sponsor_item thumb_image=”1123″ title=”Laman Teknologi Sdn Bhd” alt=”Organiser 1″][event_sponsor_item thumb_image=”1120″ title=”RR Tex” alt=”Organiser 2″][event_sponsor_item thumb_image=”1122″ title=”The Secret BarnYard” alt=”Organiser 3″][/event_sponsor]
[event_heading title=”FAQ Event” style=”style2″ class=”text-left” animation=”” animation_delay=”0″]

Sign up a new account at Registro Portal: http://registro.rrtex.my

Participants can register up to 7 members (total of 8 participants including the project leader). No extra fee incurred.

Certificate of Participantion, Award, and Special Awards (for the winner) will be available through Registro Portal. Certificate of Participantion will be available once the payment has been confirmed, while others certificate will be available once the event has been concluded.

Payment can be made using either Online Transfer or Over the Counter. Payment details is available at http://miix.my/#payment

[event_heading title=”CATEGORY” style=”style2″ animation_delay=”100″ delay=”300″]
[event_heading title=”IMPORTANT DATE” style=”style2″ animation_delay=”100″ delay=”300″]
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